

go语言金融工程 金融工程学c语言

Golang 比较适合什么领域



1、 Go有什么优势










9:gRPC 和 Protocol Buffers



Go 是一个开源的编程语言,它能让构造简单、可靠且高效的软件变得容易。想学习这门编程语言,首先要找到一份不错的教程,兄弟连go语言+区块链培训最近新出了一套go语言的教程,老师讲的非常不错!





尹成 资深区块链技术专家 兄弟连区块链学院院长毕业于清华大学,曾担任Google算法工程师,微软区块链领域全球最具价值专家,微软Tech.Ed 大会金牌讲师。精通C/C++、Python、Go语言、Sicikit-Learn与TensorFlow。拥有15年编程经验与5年的教学经验,资深软件架构师,Intel软件技术专家,著名技术专家,具备多年的世界顶尖IT公司微软谷歌的工作经验。具备多年的软件编程经验与讲师授课经历, 并在人机交互、教育、信息安全、广告、区块链系统开发诸多产品。具备深厚的项目管理经验以及研发经验, 拥有两项人工智能发明专利,与开发电子货币部署到微软Windows Azure的实战经验。教学讲解深入浅出,使学员能够做到学以致用。


应用于搭建 Web 服务器,存储集群或类似用途的巨型中央服务器的系统编程语言。

Go 是谷歌的编程语言,而不是社区的。在这位博主看来,虽然 Go 语言拥有一个贡献者社区,但是它并不是社区的项目,只是谷歌的一个项目。所以只要是谷歌反对的东西,没有人可以把这个东西加到 Go 语言中。

InfoQ 记者也第一时间联系了《Go 并发编程实战》作者、前轻松筹大数据负责人郝林,他的观点是:Go 语言是大家的,只有伪爱好者才会谈舍弃。在郝林看来,Go 语言官方团队在谷歌内部实属一个很小的团队,但其成员几乎个个都是技术大神。

很多社区成员为 Go 语言贡献了很多重要并且有价值的东西,这些从贡献者和提交者的多样性就可以看出来。但谷歌作为整个 Go 社区的守门人,它独自决定什么东西可以被 Go 语言接受,什么不能被接受。

在 Go 语言模块系统上发生的一件事情,谷歌 Go 语言核心团队的一名成员放弃了由外部 Go 社区开发的一个模块系统,因为它使用了另一种不同的模型。Go 语言拥有一个贡献者社区,但是它并不是一个社区项目。


Go 由于不支持泛型而臭名昭著,但最近,泛型已接近成为现实。Go 团队实施了一个看起来比较稳定的设计草案,并且正以源到源翻译器原型的形式获得关注。本文讲述的是泛型的最新设计,以及如何自己尝试泛型。


FIFO Stack


type Stack []interface{}func (s Stack) Peek() interface{} {

return s[len(s)-1]


func (s *Stack) Pop() {

*s = (*s)[:



func (s *Stack) Push(value interface{}) {

*s = 

append(*s, value)


但是,这里存在一个问题:每当你 Peek 项时,都必须使用类型断言将其从 interface{} 转换为你需要的类型。如果你的堆栈是 *MyObject 的堆栈,则意味着很多 s.Peek().(*MyObject)这样的代码。这不仅让人眼花缭乱,而且还可能引发错误。比如忘记 * 怎么办?或者如果您输入错误的类型怎么办?s.Push(MyObject{})` 可以顺利编译,而且你可能不会发现到自己的错误,直到它影响到你的整个服务为止。

通常,使用 interface{} 是相对危险的。使用更多受限制的类型总是更安全,因为可以在编译时而不是运行时发现问题。


type Stack(type T) []Tfunc (s Stack(T)) Peek() T {

return s[len(s)-1]


func (s *Stack(T)) Pop() {

*s = (*s)[:



func (s *Stack(T)) Push(value T) {

*s = 

append(*s, value)


这会向 Stack 添加一个类型参数,从而完全不需要 interface{}。现在,当你使用 Peek() 时,返回的值已经是原始类型,并且没有机会返回错误的值类型。这种方式更安全,更容易使用。(译注:就是看起来更丑陋,^-^)


type MyObject struct {



var sink MyObjectfunc BenchmarkGo1(b *testing.B) {

for i := 0; i  b.N; i++ {

var s Stack




sink = s.Peek().(MyObject)



func BenchmarkGo2(b *testing.B) {

for i := 0; i  b.N; i++ {

var s Stack(MyObject)




sink = s.Peek()




BenchmarkGo1BenchmarkGo1-16     12837528         87.0 ns/op       48 B/op        2 allocs/opBenchmarkGo2BenchmarkGo2-16     28406479         41.9 ns/op       24 B/op        2 allocs/op



上面的堆栈示例适用于任何类型。但是,在许多情况下,你需要编写仅适用于具有某些特征的类型的代码。例如,你可能希望堆栈要求类型实现 String() 函数



这是一个很含糊的问题,学科是subject, 课程是course, 专业是major, 一个专业怎么能是一个“学科”?我给你纠正了。

1, Why you choose the major?

I intend to choose Financial engineering due to its cool (酷cool太中式了,建议改成brand或great) name, you see, this major covers both finance and engineering, and the combination of the two subjects mentioned above might be very great.

2, Difficulties encountered

Mathematics is the most difficult course in Financial engineering major, which is mainly to analyze economical problems using mathematical statistics. Therefore, the major contains a number of complex mathematical problems being the most essential and difficult content. I often encounter difficulties in mathematical calculations.

3, What attracts you in the major?

Besides its brand name, the most attractive aspect in “Financial engineering” is that it can design, develop, and realize many new financial products using the methods of engineering technology, and creatively solve financial problems. So attractive major to me!

4, what’s your favorite course?

I like many courses such as “Money Banking”, “Investments”, “International finance”, etc, among them mathematics is my favorite because mathematics is the core subject of this major, you can never learn Financial engineering well if you didn’t learn mathematics well.

6, Do you like riding? Why or not?

I like riding bike. Besides riding is a fairly well recreational sport, the bike is also a vehicle of environmental protection for it does not produce air-pollution.

7, Do many people riding in China?

Many people rode bikes previously. But ever increasing the cars, riding on the road becomes more and more dangerous, which reduces current riding people. More recently, however, Guangzhou has forbidden driving motor cycles, so the riding people are gradually increasing.

8, What’s the advantages and disadvantages of bike?

Its advantages lie in its environmental protection and money-saving, while the disadvantages are also remarkable such as its low speed and the associated time-consuming.

9, does your school pay much attention to extracurricular activities?

Although my school often focuses on school work, it also pays fairly much attention to our extracurricular activities. Various sport competitions are often held in our school to enrich our spare lives.

10, which do you like more, outdoor exercises or indoor exercises? Why?

I prefer to outdoor exercises (原文可能给错了). Because I wish I can respire the natural fresh air during exercise, which is more health and benefit to my body.

11, which outdoor exercise do you often do?

Playing tennis is my favorite outdoor exercise. It’s my favorite hobby and best sport. However busy I am, I find time to play several turns of tennis with my friends, which relaxes me temporarily during the pause of my study.

12, How long do you spend in tennis weekly? Why?

Case by case. I may play more turns if I have sufficient leisure time, while if I am very busy, I just play it for one or two hours weekly.

13, Do you like movie?

Yeah, I like it very much. I often go to the cinema.

14, which kinds of movie do you like? Why?

I fairly like science fiction films such as”Star Wars”. This kind of movie, with exciting scene and glorious content, is generally made by famous editors. Additionally, I also like films adapted (或者originated) from cartoons like “Spider-Man”.

15, How often do you go to the cinema?

It's hard to say, generally, I will go to the cinema if there are fairly glorious films meeting my taste will be shown. As you ask how often, generally I go to the cinema once monthly for the tickets are very expensive in Guangzhou being 80 Yuan per ticket.

16, Which is better? Seeing films in the cinema or at home? Why?

Of course seeing films in the cinema is better. The audio & video earthshaking effect brought by the cinema-showed films does not draw a parallel with those shown at home. By the way, not all the films are seen in the cinema better than did at home, I think that seeing some films like literary films at home doesn't make any difference from seeing in the cinema.

17, how many kinds of languages have you learnt?

Let me count, one, two, three, four….. a total of four kinds of languages being Mandarin, Cantonese, Hakka language, and English, oh, I can also speak a little Japanese.

18, why you study English?

English is a very useful subject. Firstly, I can communicate with foreigners if I grasp it, for example, English is required for a man who wants to go abroad. Secondly, I can read foreign literatures, which is helpful to my specialized study.

19, How to study English?

I think that strong interest is the most important to learn English well. But interest is not sufficient; we should know the studying methods. I believe that I can learn English well with the combination of the two aspects mentioned above.

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