创新互联是专业的嘉峪关网站建设公司,嘉峪关接单;提供成都网站建设、成都网站制作,网页设计,网站设计,建网站,PHP网站建设等专业做网站服务;采用PHP框架,可快速的进行嘉峪关网站开发网页制作和功能扩展;专业做搜索引擎喜爱的网站,专业的做网站团队,希望更多企业前来合作!void pause () { synchronized (synch) { if (!running) return; running = false; pause = true; while (pause) { try { // TODO: fix deadlock race condition with quick resume/pause. // Temporary workaround: // Android ANR time is 5 seconds, so wait up to 4 seconds before assuming // deadlock and killing process. This can easily be triggered by opening the // Recent Apps list and then double-tapping the Recent Apps button with // ~500ms between taps. synch.wait(4000); if (pause) { // pause will never go false if onDrawFrame is never called by the GLThread // when entering this method, we MUST enforce continuous rendering Gdx.app.error(LOG_TAG, "waiting for pause synchronization took too long; assuming deadlock and killing"); android.os.Process.killProcess(android.os.Process.myPid()); } } catch (InterruptedException ignored) { Gdx.app.log(LOG_TAG, "waiting for pause synchronization failed!"); } } } }