public class ZoomActivity extends FragmentActivity { // 保存下当前动画类,以便可以随时结束动画 private Animator mCurrentAnimator; //系统的短时长动画持续时间(单位ms) // 对于不易察觉的动画或者频繁发生的动画 // 这个动画持续时间是最理想的 private int mShortAnimationDuration; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_zoom); // 给ImageButton设置点击事件 final View thumb1View = findViewById(R.id.thumb_button_1); thumb1View.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View view) { //执行zoom动画方法 zoomImageFromThumb(thumb1View, R.drawable.image1); } }); //取回系统默认的短时长动画持续时间 mShortAnimationDuration = getResources().getInteger( android.R.integer.config_shortAnimTime); } ... }
private void zoomImageFromThumb(final View thumbView, int imageResId) { // 如果有动画在执行,立即取消,然后执行现在这个动画 if (mCurrentAnimator != null) { mCurrentAnimator.cancel(); } // 加载高分辨率的图片 final ImageView expandedImageView = (ImageView) findViewById( R.id.expanded_image); expandedImageView.setImageResource(imageResId); // 计算开始和结束位置的图片范围 final Rect startBounds = new Rect(); final Rect finalBounds = new Rect(); final Point globalOffset = new Point(); // 开始的范围就是ImageButton的范围, // 结束的范围是容器(FrameLayout)的范围 // getGlobalVisibleRect(Rect)得到的是view相对于整个硬件屏幕的Rect // 即绝对坐标,减去偏移,获得动画需要的坐标,即相对坐标 // getGlobalVisibleRect(Rect,Point)中,Point获得的是view在它在 // 父控件上的坐标与在屏幕上坐标的偏移 thumbView.getGlobalVisibleRect(startBounds); findViewById(R.id.container) .getGlobalVisibleRect(finalBounds, globalOffset); startBounds.offset(-globalOffset.x, -globalOffset.y); finalBounds.offset(-globalOffset.x, -globalOffset.y); // Adjust the start bounds to be the same aspect ratio as the final // bounds using the "center crop" technique. This prevents undesirable // stretching during the animation. Also calculate the start scaling // factor (the end scaling factor is always 1.0). // 下面这段逻辑其实就是保持纵横比 float startScale; // 如果结束图片的宽高比比开始图片的宽高比大 // 就是结束时“视觉上”拉宽了(压扁了)图片 if ((float) finalBounds.width() / finalBounds.height() > (float) startBounds.width() / startBounds.height()) { // Extend start bounds horizontally startScale = (float) startBounds.height() / finalBounds.height(); float startWidth = startScale * finalBounds.width(); float deltaWidth = (startWidth - startBounds.width()) / 2; startBounds.left -= deltaWidth; startBounds.right += deltaWidth; } else { // Extend start bounds vertically startScale = (float) startBounds.width() / finalBounds.width(); float startHeight = startScale * finalBounds.height(); float deltaHeight = (startHeight - startBounds.height()) / 2; startBounds.top -= deltaHeight; startBounds.bottom += deltaHeight; } // Hide the thumbnail and show the zoomed-in view. When the animation // begins, it will position the zoomed-in view in the place of the // thumbnail. // 隐藏小的图片,展示大的图片。当动画开始的时候, // 要把大的图片发在小的图片的位置上 //小的设置透明 thumbView.setAlpha(0f); //大的可见 expandedImageView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); // Set the pivot point for SCALE_X and SCALE_Y transformations // to the top-left corner of the zoomed-in view (the default // is the center of the view). expandedImageView.setPivotX(0f); expandedImageView.setPivotY(0f); // Construct and run the parallel animation of the four translation and // scale properties (X, Y, SCALE_X, and SCALE_Y). AnimatorSet set = new AnimatorSet(); set .play(ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(expandedImageView, View.X, startBounds.left, finalBounds.left)) .with(ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(expandedImageView, View.Y, startBounds.top, finalBounds.top)) .with(ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(expandedImageView, View.SCALE_X, startScale, 1f)).with(ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(expandedImageView, View.SCALE_Y, startScale, 1f)); set.setDuration(mShortAnimationDuration); set.setInterpolator(new DecelerateInterpolator()); set.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() { @Override public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) { mCurrentAnimator = null; } @Override public void onAnimationCancel(Animator animation) { mCurrentAnimator = null; } }); set.start(); mCurrentAnimator = set; // Upon clicking the zoomed-in image, it should zoom back down // to the original bounds and show the thumbnail instead of // the expanded image. // 再次点击返回小的图片,就是上面扩大的反向动画。即预览完成 final float startScaleFinal = startScale; expandedImageView.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View view) { if (mCurrentAnimator != null) { mCurrentAnimator.cancel(); } // Animate the four positioning/sizing properties in parallel, // back to their original values. AnimatorSet set = new AnimatorSet(); set.play(ObjectAnimator .ofFloat(expandedImageView, View.X, startBounds.left)) .with(ObjectAnimator .ofFloat(expandedImageView, View.Y,startBounds.top)) .with(ObjectAnimator .ofFloat(expandedImageView, View.SCALE_X, startScaleFinal)) .with(ObjectAnimator .ofFloat(expandedImageView, View.SCALE_Y, startScaleFinal)); set.setDuration(mShortAnimationDuration); set.setInterpolator(new DecelerateInterpolator()); set.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() { @Override public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) { thumbView.setAlpha(1f); expandedImageView.setVisibility(View.GONE); mCurrentAnimator = null; } @Override public void onAnimationCancel(Animator animation) { thumbView.setAlpha(1f); expandedImageView.setVisibility(View.GONE); mCurrentAnimator = null; } }); set.start(); mCurrentAnimator = set; } }); }