select a.uid,a.uname,a.upsw,a.urealname,a.utel,a.remark,b.rname,b.rremark,c.deptname,c.deptremark from table1 a,table2 b, table3 c where a.sems_role_rid=b.rid and a.udeptid=c.deptid
有两种方式: 关键字where 或嵌入在inner 或left 中:
正常where 使用语句如下:
select A.a,B.b,C.c from A
inner join B on A.b=B.b
inner join C on C.c=B.c
where A.a=10 or B.b=10 or C.c=10
下面的SQL 嵌入到inner 中的使用方式:
select A.a,B.b,C.c from A
inner join B on A.b=B.b and B.b=10
inner join C on C.c=B.c and C.c=10
select * from student as s,guanliyuan as g,teacher as t
where s.ids = g.ids and s.ids = t.ids
SELECT id FROM table1 where a='12'
union all
SELECT id FROM table2 where a='12'
union all
SELECT id FROM table3 where a='12';
SELECT aaa.id, REPLACE(bbb.bcode, bbb.bcode, 'a') aa, REPLACE(ccc.ccode, ccc.ccode, 'b') bb, concat_ws( '', REPLACE(bbb.bcode, bbb.bcode, 'a'), REPLACE(ccc.ccode, ccc.ccode, 'b')) ab FROM a aaa left Join b bbb ON ( aaa.id = bbb.ida ) left Join c ccc ON ( aaa.id = ccc.idb ) ORDER BY aaa.id ASC
SELECT aaa.id, concat_ws( '', REPLACE(bbb.bcode, bbb.bcode, 'a'), REPLACE(ccc.ccode, ccc.ccode, 'b')) ab FROM a aaa left Join b bbb ON ( aaa.id = bbb.ida ) left Join c ccc ON ( aaa.id = ccc.idb ) ORDER BY aaa.id ASC
select * from name a,user u,level l where l.id=u.level and n.pk.user.id=u.pk.user.id