




通用 General

  • Control+S Save all

  • Control+Alt+Y Synchronize

  • Control+Shift+F12 Maximize/minimize editor

  • Alt+Shift+F Add to favorites

  • Alt+Shift+I Inspect current file with current profile

  • Control+`(backquote) Quick switch scheme

  • Control+Alt+S Open settings dialogue

  • Control+Alt+Shift+S Open project structure dialog

  • Control+Tab Switch between tabs and tool window

导航/搜索 Navigating and searching within Studio

  • Press Shift twice Search everything (including code and menus)

  • Control+F Find

  • F3 Find next

  • Shift+F3 Find previous

  • Control+R Replace

  • Control+Shift+A Find action

  • Control+Alt+Shift+N Search by symbol name

  • Control+N Find class. 查找类。

  • Control+Shift+N Find file (instead of class)

  • Control+Shift+F Find in path. 相当于在全局搜索,比如搜索代码中某个出现的字符串,很方便。

  • Control+F12 Open file structure pop-up

  • Alt+Right Arrow or Left Arrow Navigate between open editor tabs

  • F4 or Control+Enter Jump to source

  • Shift+F4 Open current editor tab in new window

  • Control+E Recently opened files pop-up. 查看最近打开过的文件(包括编辑,只要打开就算)。

  • Control+Shift+E Recently edited files pop-up

  • Control+Shift+Backspace Go to last edit location

  • Control+F4 Close active editor tab

  • Esc Return to editor window from a tool window

  • Shift+Esc Hide active or last active tool window

  • Control+G Go to line. 直接跳到某一行。

  • Control+H Open type hierarchy

  • Control+Shift+H Open method hierarchy

  • Control+Alt+H Open call hierarchy

视图 Viewing layouts

  • Control+plus or Control+minus Zoom in/out

  • Control+0 Fit to screen

  • Control+Shift+1 Actual size

Design tools: Layout Editor

Design tools: Navigation Editor

代码编辑 Writing code

  • Alt+Insert Generate code (getters, setters, constructors, hashCode/equals, toString, new file, new class)

  • Control+O Override methods

  • Control+I Implement methods

  • Control+Alt+T Surround with (if…else / try…catch / etc.)

  • Control+Y Delete line at caret

  • Control+minus or Control+plus Collapse/expand current code block

  • Control+Shift+minus or Control+Shift+plus Collapse/expand all code blocks. 展开/合并当前文件的所有代码块。

  • Control+D Duplicate current line or selection. 复制当前行。

  • Control+Space Basic code completion

  • Control+Shift+Space Smart code completion (filters the list of methods and variables by expected type)

  • Control+Shift+Enter Complete statement

  • Control+Q Quick documentation lookup

  • Control+P Show parameters for selected method

  • Control+B or Control+click Go to declaration (directly)

  • Control+Alt+B Go to implementations

  • Control+U Go to super-method/super-class

  • Control+Shift+I Open quick definition lookup

  • Alt+1 Toggle project tool window visibility

  • F11 Toggle bookmark

  • Control+F11 Toggle bookmark with mnemonic

  • Control+/ Comment/uncomment with line comment

  • Control+Shift+/ Comment/uncomment with block comment

  • Control+W Select successively increasing code blocks

  • Control+Shift+W Decrease current selection to previous state

  • Control+[ Move to code block start

  • Control+] Move to code block end

  • Control+Shift+[ Select to the code block start

  • Control+Shift+] Select to the code block end

  • Control+Delete Delete to end of word

  • Control+Backspace Delete to start of word

  • Control+Alt+O Optimize imports

  • Alt+Enter Project quick fix (show intention actions and quick fixes)

  • Control+Alt+L Reformat code

  • Control+Alt+I Auto-indent lines

  • Tab or Shift+Tab Indent/unindent lines

  • Control+Shift+J Smart line join

  • Control+Enter Smart line split

  • Shift+Enter Start new line

  • F2 or Shift+F2 Next/previous highlighted error

编译/运行 Build and run

  • Control+F9 Build

  • Shift+F10 Build and run

  • Control+F10 Apply Changes and Restart Activity

  • Control+Alt+F10 Apply Code Changes

调试 Debugging

  • Shift+F9 Debug

  • F8 Step over

  • F7 Step into

  • Shift+F7 Smart step into

  • Shift+F8 Step out

  • Alt+F9 Run to cursor

  • Alt+F8 Evaluate expression

  • F9 Resume program

  • Control+F8 Toggle breakpoint

  • Control+Shift+F8 View breakpoints

重构 Refactoring

  • F5 Copy

  • F6 Move

  • Alt+Delete Safe delete

  • Shift+F6 Rename

  • Control+F6 Change signature

  • Control+Alt+N Inline

  • Control+Alt+M Extract method

  • Control+Alt+V Extract variable

  • Control+Alt+F Extract field

  • Control+Alt+C Extract constant

  • Control+Alt+P Extract parameter

版本管理 Version control / local history

  • Control+K Commit project to VCS

  • Control+T Update project from VCS

  • Alt+Shift+C View recent changes

  • Alt+` (backquote) Open VCS popup

