def thank_you(name): # This function prints a two-line personalized thank you message. print("\nYou are doing good work, %s!" % name) print("Thank you very much for your efforts on this project.") thank_you('Adriana') thank_you('Billy') thank_you('Caroline')
def thank_you(name): # This function prints a two-line personalized thank you message. print("\nYou are doing good work, %s!" % name) print("Thank you very much for your efforts on this project.") thank_you('Billy') thank_you('Caroline') thank_you()
def thank_you(name='everyone'): # This function prints a two-line personalized thank you message. # If no name is passed in, it prints a general thank you message # to everyone. print("\nYou are doing good work, %s!" % name) print("Thank you very much for your efforts on this project.") thank_you('Billy') thank_you('Caroline') thank_you()
我们创建一个包含 3 个参数的函数,包含一个人的名,姓和年纪。如下所示:
def describe_person(first_name, last_name, age): # This function takes in a person's first and last name, # and their age. # It then prints this information out in a simple format. print("First name: %s" % first_name.title()) print("Last name: %s" % last_name.title()) print("Age: %d\n" % age) describe_person('brian', 'kernighan', 71) describe_person('ken', 'thompson', 70) describe_person('adele', 'goldberg', 68)
在这个函数中,参数是 first_name , last_name , age 。它们被称为位置参数。Python 会根据参数的相对位置为它们赋值。在下面的调用语句中:
describe_person('brian', 'kernighan', 71)
我们给函数传递了 brian, kernighan, 71 三个值。Python 就会根据参数位置将 first_name 和 brian 匹配,last_name 和 kernighan 匹配,age 和 71 匹配。
def describe_person(first_name, last_name, age): # This function takes in a person's first and last name, # and their age. # It then prints this information out in a simple format. print("First name: %s" % first_name.title()) print("Last name: %s" % last_name.title()) print("Age: %d\n" % age) describe_person(71, 'brian', 'kernighan') describe_person(70, 'ken', 'thompson') describe_person(68, 'adele', 'goldberg')
这段代码中,first_name 和 71 匹配,然后调用 first_name.title() ,而整数是无法调用 title() 方法的。
Python 中允许使用关键字参数。所谓关键字参数就是在调用函数时,可以指定参数的名字给参数赋值。改写上述代码,示例如下:
def describe_person(first_name, last_name, age): # This function takes in a person's first and last name, # and their age. # It then prints this information out in a simple format. print("First name: %s" % first_name.title()) print("Last name: %s" % last_name.title()) print("Age: %d\n" % age) describe_person(age=71, first_name='brian', last_name='kernighan') describe_person(age=70, first_name='ken', last_name='thompson') describe_person(age=68, first_name='adele', last_name='goldberg')
这样就能工作了。Python 不再根据位置为参数赋值。而是通过参数名字匹配对应的参数值。这种写法可读性更高。
def describe_person(first_name, last_name, age, favorite_language): # This function takes in a person's first and last name, # their age, and their favorite language. # It then prints this information out in a simple format. print("First name: %s" % first_name.title()) print("Last name: %s" % last_name.title()) print("Age: %d" % age) print("Favorite language: %s\n" % favorite_language) describe_person('brian', 'kernighan', 71, 'C') describe_person('ken', 'thompson', 70, 'Go') describe_person('adele', 'goldberg', 68, 'Smalltalk')
我们假设每个人调用这个函数的时候都会提供 first_name 和 last_name。但可能不会提供其他信息。因此 first_name 和 last_name 使用位置参数,其他参数采用关键字参数的形式。如下所示:
def describe_person(first_name, last_name, age=None, favorite_language=None, died=None): """ This function takes in a person's first and last name, their age, and their favorite language. It then prints this information out in a simple format. """ print("First name: %s" % first_name.title()) print("Last name: %s" % last_name.title()) # Optional information: if age: print("Age: %d" % age) if favorite_language: print("Favorite language: %s" % favorite_language) if died: print("Died: %d" % died) # Blank line at end. print("\n")
def adder(num_1, num_2): # This function adds two numbers together, and prints the sum. sum = num_1 + num_2 print("The sum of your numbers is %d." % sum) # Let's add some numbers. adder(1, 2) adder(-1, 2) adder(1, -2)
def adder(num_1, num_2): # This function adds two numbers together, and prints the sum. sum = num_1 + num_2 print("The sum of your numbers is %d." % sum) # Let's add some numbers. adder(1, 2, 3)
Python 帮助我们解决了函数接受参数个数的问题。它提供了一种语法,可以让函数接受任意数量的参数。如果我们在参数列表的最后一个参数前加一个星号,这个参数就会收集调用语句的剩余参数并传入一个元组。(剩余参数是指匹配过位置参数后剩余的参数)示例如下:
def example_function(arg_1, arg_2, *arg_3): # Let's look at the argument values. print('\narg_1:', arg_1) print('arg_2:', arg_2) print('arg_3:', arg_3) example_function(1, 2) example_function(1, 2, 3) example_function(1, 2, 3, 4) example_function(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
你也可以使用 for 循环来处理剩余参数。
def example_function(arg_1, arg_2, *arg_3): # Let's look at the argument values. print('\narg_1:', arg_1) print('arg_2:', arg_2) for value in arg_3: print('arg_3 value:', value) example_function(1, 2) example_function(1, 2, 3) example_function(1, 2, 3, 4) example_function(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
我们现在就可以重写 adder() 函数,示例如下:
def adder(num_1, num_2, *nums): # This function adds the given numbers together, # and prints the sum. # Start by adding the first two numbers, which # will always be present. sum = num_1 + num_2 # Then add any other numbers that were sent. for num in nums: sum = sum + num # Print the results. print("The sum of your numbers is %d." % sum) # Let's add some numbers. adder(1, 2) adder(1, 2, 3) adder(1, 2, 3, 4)
Python 也提供了一种接受任意数量的关键字参数的语法。如下所示:
def example_function(arg_1, arg_2, **kwargs): # Let's look at the argument values. print('\narg_1:', arg_1) print('arg_2:', arg_2) print('arg_3:', kwargs) example_function('a', 'b') example_function('a', 'b', value_3='c') example_function('a', 'b', value_3='c', value_4='d') example_function('a', 'b', value_3='c', value_4='d', value_5='e')
上述代码中,最后一个参数前有两个星号,代表着收集调用语句中剩余的所有键值对参数。这个参数常被命名为 kwargs 。这些参数键值对被存储在一个字典中。我们可以循环字典取出参数值。如下所示:
def example_function(arg_1, arg_2, **kwargs): # Let's look at the argument values. print('\narg_1:', arg_1) print('arg_2:', arg_2) for key, value in kwargs.items(): print('arg_3 value:', value) example_function('a', 'b') example_function('a', 'b', value_3='c') example_function('a', 'b', value_3='c', value_4='d') example_function('a', 'b', value_3='c', value_4='d', value_5='e')
def example_function(**kwargs): print(type(kwargs)) for key, value in kwargs.items(): print('{}:{}'.format(key, value)) example_function(first=1, second=2, third=3) example_function(first=1, second=2, third=3, fourth=4) example_function(name='Valerio', surname='Maggio')
def describe_person(first_name, last_name, **kwargs): # This function takes in a person's first and last name, # and then an arbitrary number of keyword arguments. # Required information: print("First name: %s" % first_name.title()) print("Last name: %s" % last_name.title()) # Optional information: for key in kwargs: print("%s: %s" % (key.title(), kwargs[key])) # Blank line at end. print("\n") describe_person('brian', 'kernighan', favorite_language='C') describe_person('ken', 'thompson', age=70) describe_person('adele', 'goldberg', age=68, favorite_language='Smalltalk') describe_person('dennis', 'ritchie', favorite_language='C', died=2011) describe_person('guido', 'van rossum', favorite_language='Python')